work > OPEN BORDERS | Arboretum

Antipodean Arboretum 1
ink and wax on rice paper on board
46cm x 342cm⁠
Antipodean Arboretum II
ink and wax on rice paper on board
46cm x 342cm⁠
Antipodean Arboretum III
ink and wax on rice paper on board
46cm x 342cm⁠

Lost Eden Gallery, Dwellingup, WA
11 Sept -10 Oct 2022

Brought together by The Creative Grid as part of the region wide Open Borders exhibitions 2022.
Thirteen invited artists responding the unique environment of the Southwest corner of WA.

The southwest of Western Australia stands in start contrast to the vast expanses of desert and ocean that border it on all sides. Our isolation protects us somewhat but it is a remote and rare collection of biodiversity that is under extreme and increasing stress by mining, deforestation and climate change.

Ned Crossley, Elizabeth Edmonds, Julia Elton-Bott, Donna Fortescue, Christine Gregory, Catherine Higham, Peter Hill, Carly Le Cerf, Nansen Robb, Elmari Steyn, Sally Stoneman, Alex Tandy, Monique Tippett